Strongbird Fitness

Water Bootcamp
with Katie

May 25 (Saturday)
at 8:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

Elyson Pool

This awesome, 60-minute total body workout includes everything one would do in a regular exercise bootcamp (HIIT, Strength, Agility, plyometrics), but in the water.  We use speedo equipment, medicine balls, water/foam dumbbells, and regular weighted dumbbells to strengthen the whole body while incorporating cardio drills in a fun circuit workout that flies by.  This class is the highlight of our summer training, and you do not want to miss this.  

You may want to purchase your own water dumbbells to ensure you have a set for our cardio bursts.  You do not have to know how to swim, as your feed will be on the ground most of class.  Modifications are available for all fitness levels.  


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